A trip back to Bora Bora

Bora Bora...a place you only dream of, but if you are given the chance to fly, swim, take a boat, or ride a coconut raft to this magical island I strongly suggest that you go! We were lucky enough to visit Bora Bora about a year ago with some of our dearest friends when we were traveling throughout French Polynesia. We were staying at our friend Poema's organic farm on Raiatea which was a dream in itself. But after a long day of kayaking, surfing her favorite left, and eating fresh coconut & bananas until we couldn't anymore we wound up at a friend of Poema's, Fabi's house. Fabi had invited us over for an evening swim in their beautifully designed pool & Balinese villa and Fabi is pretty much the definition of regal. When we were washing off our salty skin in the pool, Poema & Fabi were enjoying mango juice and having a conversation in French, there were several glances at us, the words Bora bora and a phone call. Fabi had gotten wind that we were dying to visit the island but didn't know if it would be feasible this time around. In a matter of 10 minutes, Fabi had phoned her friend, told us that we would be staying with him on Bora Bora and taking the next boat out the following morning. We were elated to say the least! So it was myself, Marissa, our good friend Brooke & Paula who was a Spanish beauty from the Canary Islands that was staying with Poema as well. We packed our bags and off we went, I could try and describe the pure untouched beauty of Bora bora but words simply can not explain so I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. We have a great adoration for this mystical island and the beautiful people that inhabit it, and we are forever grateful to Poema, Fabi & Michael for hosting us and treating us as their own! xx, Mel Photos: Brooklynhawaii & Us